Training your dog to compete in weight pull

by Holly Lowery and Scot E. Dowd Ph.D.


One of the newest most fun and exciting activities and competitions to participate in with

your dog is weight pulling. A previous article by Mark Landers, that we have pulled

some information from, put together the basic principles that will take any dog with a fair amount of

drive and working ability and TEACH them to pull... and more importantly to HAVE

FUN pulling.

This big boy loves to pull and is jumping in excitement


Holly Lowery is a weight pull judge and one of the premier weight pullers in the UKC today. She has the first

UKC United weight pull Champion named "Cajun" who is also the holder of several

UKC weight pull records. Holly has completed UWPCH on several more dogs showing

that she has a solid grasp on the principals of training.


Scot E. Dowd is a weight pull judge, APBT Conformation senior judge, co-owner, co-trainer and breeder of a UKC superdog, Also the breeder and coowner of the first and only UKC and ADBA DUAL Grand Champion.


The goal of this collection of pages is to give basic advice that can be used to take a dog,

whether puppy or adult, and train them to pull weights competitively.

weight pull Training

THE FIRST STEP: Beginning Weight Pull Training

THE SECOND PHASE: Drag Sled Training

THE THIRD PHASE: Cart Training

THE COMPETITION Advanced Weight Pull? Training

weight pull Topics

Weight Pull Workout Schedules?

Where can we get Weight Pull Harnesses?

Where can we get Weight Carts?

UKC Rules for Weight Pull

IWPA Rules for Weight Pull

ADBA Rules for Weight Pull

Where can we get a really good Drag Sled?

Weight Pull Events in my area?

Types of pulls

Snow Pulls IWPA and UKC

Rail Pulls UKC and ADBA

Cart Pulls IWPA and UKC

What is the main rule of weight pull training? Keep it fun especially for the dog!

What is the main goal of weight pulling with your pit bull? To have fun!

Holly and Cajun

Scot and Zion (enjoying weight pull together)